Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Medication Can't Fix Everything (But It Helps)

Even though I am on medication for anxiety (and it helps a lot!), I still have to deal with feelings of extreme stress and worry.  Fortunately, I have learned which situations tend to cause me more anxiety.  In some cases, I am able to largely avoid these situations (like heights and watching young children play with sparklers), but there are others that I have to continue to deal with (like school and tests and paying for things).

The hardest sort of anxiety for me to deal with is social anxiety.  Although I have more control over it now that I have my medication, I still come across situations that pull me back into the old thought patterns.  For me, dates are the hardest.  A date involves spending time alone with someone you don't know very well yet, and the uncertainty and pressures involved are killer.  I feel sick to my stomach before each date, and even if the date goes well, when the guy starts asking me out again the anxiety starts back up.  While I enjoy going on dates, and want to eventually find someone to marry, the process to get there is a painful one.

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